1. IndiaMART: IndiaMART is India’s largest online B2B marketplace, connecting buyers with suppliers across various industries, facilitating trade in products and services.
  2. TradeIndia: TradeIndia offers a diverse range of products and services for businesses, serving as a platform for Indian businesses to connect with global buyers and suppliers.
  3. Alibaba India: Alibaba is a global B2B marketplace with a strong presence in India, providing a platform for Indian businesses to trade internationally and access a wide range of products.
  4. ExportersIndia: ExportersIndia focuses on connecting Indian exporters with buyers worldwide, offering a platform for various export-oriented industries to showcase their products.
  5. Global Sources: Global Sources connects buyers with manufacturers and suppliers in India and across Asia, offering a wide range of products across different industries.
  6. EC21: EC21 is a global B2B marketplace facilitating trade between Indian businesses and international buyers, covering a diverse range of industries and products.
  7. TradeKey India: TradeKey India facilitates trade between Indian businesses and global buyers, offering a platform for sourcing products and services across various industries.
  8. ExportHub: ExportHub facilitates trade between Indian exporters and global buyers, providing access to a wide range of products across industries like automotive, construction, and healthcare.
  9. Kinnek India: Kinnek India provides a platform for businesses to source suppliers and manage procurement processes across industries such as food and beverage, manufacturing, and hospitality.
  10. IAMITMM (iamitmm.com): IAMITMM is a B2B portal connecting buyers and sellers in India, offering a platform for various industries to trade goods and services.