There’s an increasing amount of Windows 8 related chatter out there, and it seems likely that we’ll see the first beta during the second half of this year. So, with that in mind, we’ve probably still got some time to get a wishlist of what we’d like to see in this new version of Windows into Microsoft.
So, what would YOU like to see?
Let me kick off that list …
  • Custom installer that has the ability to set up the OS on one drive and store data and settings on another.
  • An end to 16/32-bit support (or at least a version that is pure 64-bit only).
  • Proper touch/tablet support. Not just a theme but a new API that developers can tap into to make applications compatible for both desktop/notebook and tablet usage.
  • Rebootless update mechanism.
  • Microsoft Security Essentials included as standard.
  • Multi-display support for the taskbar.
  • Built-in .ISO support for image files.
  • Better support for compressed files (more than just ZIP files).
Your turn!